Arduino is world most popular microcontroller platform which is used for developing the simple electronics projects. With help of Arduino, you can develop small, simple robots that reduce human effort. Most popular projects of Arduino are Automatic drawing machine, Arduino spider quadruped robot, Arduino Quadcopter, Rubik's cube solver etc,. you can many list projects here. The best thing about Arduino is, you can write the programs on computer and transfer/dump the code on the Arduino with simple steps using a USB cable.
Before going through the Arduino, you need to have knowledge of Electronics and having knowledge about programming such as C/C++ is an added advantage.
There are many resources available online but below are the best video tutorials to learn and master in Arduino programming.
Before going through the Arduino, you need to have knowledge of Electronics and having knowledge about programming such as C/C++ is an added advantage.
There are many resources available online but below are the best video tutorials to learn and master in Arduino programming.
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Arduino video tutorials |
Tech Explorations™ Arduino Step by Step Your complete guide
This video tutorial is a popular video tutorial over the internet and this video tutorial gives you a comprehensive overview of getting started with Arduino tutorials. In this video tutorial, the instructor explains the concepts clearly and concise. The content provided in the short lectures is rich, informative and useful. In this video tutorials, the instructor covers the basics of the Arduino and also walks you through Arduino Uno and other, Digital input and output, Analog input and output, programming, sensors, Actuators, Integrated development environment. and also includes mini projects and quizzes to boost your confidence in Arduino. I recommend this video tutorial for those who want to learn Arduino and this tutorial is best suitable for the beginners. You don't need any programming language experience to take this course. To learn Electronic foundations, I recommend going through Tech Explorations™ Basic electronics for Arduino MakersArduino From Scratch - Tutorials For Beginners
The instructor walks through Arduino step by step from the scratch. Here, the instructor starts with a quick introduction to Arduino and then shows you how to connect a circuit on a breadboard, concept of a for loop and shows how it works, how to print to the computer screen from the Arduino microcontroller, working with strings, reading the data, while loops, analog voltages. Once basics are completed, the instructor walks you real-time projects such as a color sensor, measuring the speed and distance of the sound using Arduino and Ultrasonic sensor, data logging with SD card, GPS tracker, wire wrapping. I recommend going through the video tutorial without a miss.
Arduino Programming and Hardware Fundamentals with Hackster
This video tutorial is another popular video tutorial to learn Arduino programming with C/C++. This tutorial provides a very good understanding of the basics and the instructor is very clear with the examples and explanations. In the first section, the instructor walks you through the basics of C/C++ along with Arduino framework then the instructor also shows how to build simple circuits that flashlights and spin motors using Arduino programming. Then, you will learn how to build a robot and then you will learn how to turn off and turn on the flashlight using the internet. This video tutorial is best suitable for the beginners who want to programming.
Arduino Workshop for Beginners
Arduino Workshop for Beginners is video tutorial for complete that helps aspirants who want to get started with Arduino and gives the confidence to create your own projects with Arduino. In this video tutorial, you will be able to learn how to write code using the Arduino libraries and then how to upload that code on to the circuit board. You don't need any prior experience to go through this video tutorials in electronics and programming. The instructor explains it from the scratch.
Arduino Tutorials for beginners
This Arduino video tutorial is one of the best places to learn everything sensors, shields, displays etc,. using Arduino. The instructor demonstrates on SMS Send and Receive Tutorial on Arduino Uno, how to play with 8x8 LED Matrix with an Arduino Uno, how to display to use in small Arduino or Raspberry Pi projects. Then you will learn how to drive the amazing Nokia 5110 LCD display using an Arduino Mega development board, how to program and use the Arduino PRO mini, how to use the Micro SD module with an Arduino Uno and much more,. I recommend this video tutorial without a miss.
Arduino Course for Absolute Beginners
In this video tutorial, you will learn Arduino right from the basics. In this tutorials, you will learn how to download and install the Arduino IDE then instructor will explain Arduino IDE and Sketch overview, Arduino syntax and how to declare variables, how to blink an LED, functions such as digitalRead() with serial port, analogRead() with serial port, how to read the voltages with AnalogRead(), how to Fade an LED, control statements such as if statements, loop iterations, arrays etc,.Tutorial Series for Arduino
Tutorial Series for Arduino is a popular Youtube channel and here in this video tutorials, you will learn about the Arduino programming, get familiar Arduino, Pulse Width Modulation, buttons, functions, basics of electrical engineer, analog inputs, motors, and transistors, serial communications and processing, SPI interfaces, interrupts, SD cards and Data logging, Liquid Crystal Displays, GPS tracking etc,. It is worth to go through this tutorials series.Arduino Tutorials
In this video tutorial, you will learn how to use Arduino and here, the instructor starts the tutorial series with quick introduction to Uno hardware, how to setup the Arduino IDE and drivers, how to pass diigital inputs to turn on lights and Pull up resistors, serial communication, Pulse Width Modulation, servos, Analog Input, External pin interrupt, communication, Leonardo and Uno, Arduino as Arduino I2C, Leonardo as keyboard, how to use the ULN2003a IC for controlling a motors, Leonardo as mouse, how to use Simple SPI communication etc,.Arduino Starter Kit - Video Tutorials by Massimo Banzi
In this video tutorials, you will find real-time projects using Arduino Starter Kit such as spaceship interface, the Love-O-Meter, Light Theremin, Motorized pinwheel, Crystal Ball Magic Ball, Touch Feely Lamp, Twitter controller Mood Lamp etc,. You need have a prior knowledge of Arduino programming. It is worth to go through this tutorial.Learning Arduino with the Fritzing Starter Kit
This video tutorial is a complete comprehensive tutorial that covers start from the very basics to advanced topics in Arduino. In this video tutorial, you will learn about the how to transfer a program on the Arduino board, how to use of for-loops and arrays. how to work with Breadboards, how to work with if-condition statements, Amplification with a transistor, and much more.
From every video tutorial, you will learn something new, so I believe that the more you explore, the more you learn
Keep Learning :)