Saturday, August 26, 2017

Top 10 best HTML CSS Javascript video tutorials 2020 | Best online courses

HTML(HyperText Markup Language) is the base language for each and every other web technology development such as JavaScript, BootstrapPHP, AngularJS, NodeJS, ReactJS, Ruby, Python, etc,. Through HTML, we can define the structure of the web page and also determine what data should be rendered on the web page. When we write HTML tags in a text editor, save the file then open in a web browser, the browser will parse the HTML tag in the file and render the content on the web page. Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) is used to apply the styles for the web page such as changing the color the text, font size, background color, etc,.

On the other note, you can still develop web applications without having knowledge of HTML using applications such as,, etc,. But to troubleshoot or to make changes to the design, you need to have basic knowledge of HTML/CSS. There are plenty of resources online to learn and master in HTML/CSS but below are the Top 10 best HTML/CSS video tutorials

Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3

This video tutorial is a popular video tutorial on the internet. The instructor will walk you through step by step from scratch and he explains how to design, code, plan, and best practices to build responsive landing pages for a company. In this video tutorial, the instructor covers what is HTML, what is the structure of the HTML? what are attributes for an element? What is CSS? and how to apply styles to the HTML element? different types of styles applied? what is the difference between an id and class, Relative vs. Absolute? Then you'll learn how to create a responsive web page using Media Queries and many more. By the end of this video tutorial, you will able to build a responsive website that is suitable for mobile, tablet, and laptop friends. You don't need any prior programming experience to get started with this video tutorial. This video tutorial is best suitable for beginners, serves a refresher training for the intermediates.

Build Websites from Scratch with HTML & CSS

This video tutorial is the best entry-level course for beginners. The instructor's teaching style is encouraging and motivates you throughout the completion of the course. The instructor provides a very detailed explanation of the content and provides good course exercises to follow through the lectures and to make grasp the HTML concepts easily. In this video tutorial, he explains what is HTML, tags, attributes, structures of HTML, how to create hyperlinks, images, address, tables, forms, div tags. You will also learn about the Cascading style sheets(CSS), working with positions absolute, relative, fixed, blocks, styling forms, and many more. This video tutorial is helpful for the complete beginners and also for the people who are looking to create their own website.

HTML5 & CSS3 Tutorial By TheNewBoston

NewBoston offers a wide range of video tutorials online for free on various programming languages such as C programmingC++JavascriptJava, Ajax, PHP, JQuery, etc. It has published more than 50 videos to learn HTML/CSS programming for free. The video collection covers all the concepts required to master HTML/CSS programming. You can watch those videos either on YouTube or the official NewBoston website.

Web Design for Beginners: Real World Coding in HTML & CSS

In this video tutorial, the instructor focuses on explaining how things work rather than just explaining examples. The instructor has in-depth knowledge of HTML concepts and he kept his efforts to keep it as simple as possible to make students grasp the exact point. In this video tutorial, the instructor covers all the basic concepts required to learn HTML and CSS. The topics covered here are, HTML tags, attributes, working with media files, forms, tables, CSS. Creating a responsive web design, you will also learn CSS3 and media queries, SASS, creating a cross-browser compatibility website. This video tutorial is best suitable for the beginners who want to master the HTML & CSS and for the students who want to become professionals.

HTML Essential Training

This video tutorial is presented by Lynda and the instructor walks you through the in-depth HTML concepts on how to create links, lists, displaying images, nav, articles, div tags, and how to apply the cascading style sheets. You don't need any software to get started with HTML, all you need is a text editor and web browser, Google Chrome works is better enough.

In this video tutorial, the instructor walks you basic concepts of HTML and CSS.  The instructor walks you through the HTML and CSS by developing the coming soon web page. By the end of this video tutorial, you will able to learn how to create a static web page. This video tutorial is very helpful for an absolute beginner having the experience of making a simple web page using HTML and CSS.

This video tutorial is presented by Pluralsight and the instructor walks you through the basics of client-side web development by demonstrating with the basic examples of how to build web pages with HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript, and jQuery. This video tutorial is completely for the beginners to learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

This video tutorial is the best tutorial to learn client-side web development. Here in this video tutorial, you will learn how to develop the modern responsive website with client-side web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, and Bootstrap. In this video tutorial, the instructor begins by setting up an environment, wireframing the website. This video tutorial is well organized and structured which helps the students to understand the concepts clearly. This video tutorial is best suitable for the beginners and intermediate skill level.

Brad Traversy has in-depth knowledge of various web technologies. In this video tutorial, he will demonstrate HTML5 and CSS3 with real-time projects. I bet you will learn definitely going to learn a lot from these video tutorials. This video tutorial is available online for free and few videos are intended for beginners and the rest of them are best suitable for the intermediates and experts.

The instructor provides a clear explanation and keeps the examples interesting for making sure that students are following him. The information provided in the video tutorial is very interesting and easy to understand. Here, the instructor covers the basic concepts of HTML, How to add Headings and Paragraph text, Adding web and email links, images, Finding icons and other graphics, working with CSS syntax, applying styles to the fonts, color and many more. If you are serious about programming, then you must check out this video tutorial.

Frequently Asked Questions:

what should be the sequence of languages(CSS, HTML, Javascript, or another) to learn?
First, you need to learn HTML to understand why HTML is used? How it is used for defining and structuring the webpage? Then learn CSS, how to apply styles to the HTML elements, attributes. Then JavaScript, how js can makes your website more interactive and responsive. this the best way to learn javascript.

Read: Top 10 video tutorials to learn JavaScript

To learn in-depth CSS, I would highly recommend checking this video tutorial Learning CSS3 - A Comprehensive Tutorial For Web Developers. If you've any questions you can post a question in StackOverflow or Reddit communities. Hope this helps,

Happy Learning :)
