Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Top 10 best YouTube channels for students

YouTube is the best place to explore but with the increase in the number of YouTube channels, you may not know which channels to follow. Below are the list of Top 10 best YouTube Channels for students that helps to improve your knowledge and skills:
Top 10 best YouTube channels for students
Top 10 best YouTube channels for students

  and TEDx

TED YouTube channel Stand for Technology, Entertainment and Design, it’s main intention is to spread the ideas throughout the world. TED a nonprofit organization was founded in the year 1984 with a slogan “Ideas Worth Spreading”, early stage their prominence was Technology and Design, now TED covers almost all the topic and conducts events globally in more than 100 languages. TEDx events are independent TED-like events; anyone can organize the events by taking the free license from TED.

Khan Academy

KhanAcademy YouTube channel provides online video tutorials on various subjects such as Arithmetic, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, History, Art, Medicine, Economics, and Finance tutorials. KhanAcademy also offers infinite Math problems for practice. Khan Academy is the best place to learn English, Math, Physics, Biology, Social, Computer programming, etc,. These videos are suitable for children under the 10th standard. Khan Academy's mission is to provide the education for all

Learn English with Let's Talk - Free English Lessons

This YouTube channel(Learnex) is open to students, teachers and for any English learning enthusiast. Learnex found in the year 2010 and is actively providing free English video learning lessons. Learnex has a famous YouTube channel popularly known as Learn English with Let's Talk - Free English Lessons. It has millions of subscribers.


NewBoston YouTube channel offers a wide range of video courses in various programming languages such as HTML, JavaScript, PHP, JQuery, Andriod and many more. NewBoston is popular channels on YouTube for developers and aspirants who want to learn to programming.


Watching these YouTube channel videos, you will realize that in-depth understanding of hardware parts and what you can do with it. Another similar channel is The Ben Heck Show

Talks at Google

Talks at Google YouTube channel is brought to you Google, which brings speakers, innovators, scientists, artists, filmmakers, etc,. to share their opinion or views about their work.


Veritasium YouTube channel brings you interesting facts about the science, education and any interesting topic. The channel was created on 21st June 2010 and  at the time of writing this post, there are more than 4M subscribers and 338M views in total

Shark Tank

Shark Tank is an American reality TV show hosted in ABC.com. The show was started in 2009 and still successfully running. The show is about presenting ideas of the entrepreneurs and convincing the Sharks(investors) to invest in their entrepreneur's company. There are specific YouTube channel to watch Shark Video

Learn Engineering

This YouTube Channel aims to provide the quality engineering education. Most of the engineers learn the things theoretically but you gain more knowledge while working practically. Learn Engineer also, gives an opportunity to earn money for dubbing the videos in any local language other than Arabic, German and Japanese languages.

Just for Laughs: Gags

Just for Laughs Gags is a YouTube Channel to watch prank videos. You can't stop laughing watching this videos. Students who want to take a break from studies can watch these videos. According to many surveys, it is proven that watching these videos, students feel relaxed and act as a stress relief.

CrashCourse YouTube Channel aims to provide the education on various subjects such as Anatomy, Astrology, Psychology, Ecology, Physiology, Economics, Chemistry and many more.


NurdRage is a YouTube channel that focuses on the chemistry that deals with scientific chemicals if you would like to the donate money.

You can also check out the Big Think and the list goes on. Hope you like it. Let us know your favorite YouTube Channels by commenting.