Saturday, December 24, 2016

Top things you should know before buying Fitness trackers


According to many surveys, it is proven that walking for more than 30 minutes has many benefits. But in today's world, our lifestyle is in such way we don't even have time to do walk for at least 30 minutes. Working for so many hours without any physical moment in the body is causing so many health issues such as Constipation, Obesity, Back Pain, Mental illness and etc,.

Slowly, people are realizing the importance of health and to protect themselves from health issues, people depending on the latest gadgets such as Fitness trackers. In simple words, Fitness tracker is a gadget that tracks human activity and displays the metrics on Smartphone.

Below are the top things you should know before buying fitness trackers:

Only Steps

Fitness trackers can only track the steps meaning that the fitness tracker can track while you're walking and running but it won't be able to track other moments such as pushups, pullups.


There dare two types of the fitness trackers which are available in the market, 
  1. Display
  2. Non-Display
With Display fitness trackers has some addition features such as displaying time, metrics, checking emails, caller name before lifting the calls, etc,. While in the Non- Display fitness trackers only lift the calls. The cost of the display fitness tracker is a bit higher than Non-Display fitness trackers. If you want to use the fitness tracker for the basic purpose, you can go for Non- Display fitness trackers if you want to have some additional features, you can go for the Display fitness tracker. Decide yourself whether you want buy Display 


The fitness tracker records the number of the steps and sends the signals to the mobile through Bluetooth connection. There is a myth that Bluetooth should be always turned on in order to the record the metrics but this is not true, you can turn off bluetooth and turn on whenever you want. The metrics will be available. It is not good thing to turn on Bluetooth always because Bluetooth rays are not good for human body

Battery Life

It is worth to check the battery life of fitness tracker. Usually, fitness trackers give the battery life of more than 2 weeks. 

Fitness tracker is a very useful gadget for anyone.
