Thursday, December 22, 2016

Top 8 Natural beauty tips for glowing skin


Natural beauties are always attractive and charming with their natural glowing skin. Many of us are thinking cosmetics will change the complexion and make you beautiful. Using cosmetics will give you instant results and they are temporary, at the same time they will harm your skin. Irrespective of your skin tone you should follow few top tips for the natural glowing skin.

Follow these natural tips for healthy and glowing skin permanently

Avoid Sunshine

Try to avoid exposing your skin to Sun rays. Exposing your Skin to Sun rays before 8 AM is good for your skin because Sun is the natural source of vitamin D. Avoid Sun rays after 9 AM, UV rays produced by Sun and pollution can damage your skin a lot and overexposure to these rays will lead to skin cancer. Always carry an umbrella, use clothes that reflect rays and use sunscreen lotions that are having SPF content more than 35.

Drinking Water

Drinking loads of water in a day, makes you hydrated throughout the day and flush out toxins. Drinking water will add moisture content to your skin and makes your skin healthy and glowing.


You should have enough sleep for a healthy and glowing skin. Sleeping for 8 hours is good to avoid dryness and puffy eyes. While sleeping your body balances water and boosts blood flow. Lack of proper sleep results in fine lines on face and dark circles.


Maintaining diet is very essential to get a healthy glowing skin. A poor diet will result in unhealthy skin. Make sure you are adding proteins, vitamins, fiber in your everyday diet. Add seasonal fruits and vegetables in your diet. Add fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C.


Make a habit of spending some time in your busy schedule for exercises or dance or yoga to achieve glowing skin. You look younger than your age if you are working out on a daily basis. Exercise, Dance and Yoga helps you to remove dirt on your skin through sweating.


Steaming is a deep cleansing method to help you in achieving natural and healthy glowing skin. In steaming process hot water steam will help to open pores on your skin, it removes dirt inside pores and helps to remove blackheads.

Avoid hot water shower

Hot water shower may give you soothing feel, but it is very bad idea to use hot water for shower. It will cleanse natural moisture from your body and also will give you invisible burns on your skin. Taking shower in little Luke warm water is recommended for a naturally healthy skin.

Natural Ingredients in Kitchen

Use natural ingredients available in the kitchen such as turmeric, lemon, honey, raw milk, gram flour, olive oil, coconut oil, curd, tomato, potato etc.

Thanks for reading this post. Please comment below, if I am missing out any natural tips for the healthy and glowing skin.
