Saturday, December 31, 2016

5 steps to increase followers on Twitters

If you are looking earn money, it's important to have thousands of followers on Twitter. Twitter is a great platform for brands to promote their products. Most of the brands run numerous contest every day to attract their clients. As a marketing stategery, brands request influencers(twitter users) to tweet about their brand. This opens doors for the influencers to make money on twitter. To become an influencer, you need to have a minimum number of followers on your twitter account.

Here are the tips and steps to follow to increase followers on twitter

5 steps to increase followers on Twitters

Create Twitter Account

To increase followers first thing you need to create a twitter account and login to your account.

Trends Hashtags

Tweet some content using hashtags available in trends, so that you may be reachable to most of the people.

Follow for Follow

Twitter has so many hashtags like #FollowForFollow these are genuine twitter account holders where they are also looking to increase their follow. You need to follow the people who are tweeting tweets under those hashtags, in result they will follow you back.

Retweet Follow for Follow

You can also retweet the tweets under #FollowForFollow hashtag, people you might have missed will follow the same steps as you and follows you back. You also need to follow them back or else, chances are there they may unfollow you in future.

Tag Famous Influencers

In your tweets, try to tag relevant brands or celebrities or influencers to reach their followers and chances are there that they may follow you.

Hope this will help you in increasing twitter followers
