Saturday, August 27, 2016

Top 10 things about the Quora is a for-profit and most popular question & answer website which has millions of visitors around the world. As per the Alexa ranking, Quora ranks of 154 globally as on January 2017.

The main idea behind the foundation of Quora is to share the human knowledge over the internet and easily accessible to everyone.

Who started Quora?

Quora was founded at Mountain View, California in the year 2009 by the former employees of the Facebook namely Adam D'Angelo and Charlie Cheever. The website was available in the market from 2010. The CEO of the company is Adam D'Angelo.

In which programming language Quora was developed?

It was developed in python and C++. In February 2011, Quora has chosen C++ over C for its high performance.

Machine Learning

Quora uses machine Learning in the following 3 main functions

  1. Q&A
    Quora users ask the question and Quora community users answers to the question. To show best qualititive answers to the Quora users, Quora make of use of machine learning
  2. Content Distribution
    To distribute the content, Quora uses machine learning techniques to provide the relevant content to the Quora user based on his interests. 
  3. Quality

Quora Feed

Quora Feed is an optimized feed that contains the questions with best quality answers based on the Quora users interest. For example, if a Quora user is interested in sports then the Quora Feed shows about sports.


Quora's main focus is to provide qualitative answers to the readers, to get best quality answers, their algorithm finds experts people who are good at a topic by sending a request to answer that question. For example, when a question is submitted in quora, their algorithm finds best expert people who have good knowledge related to the questions. 


Quora Search works similar to the Google PageRank. The higher the number of the quality links to website, the possibility of the showing the results on the top will be higher

Does Quora start the advertising?

Yes, Quora has started testing advertisements in April 2016, on a small number of question pages. Quora will eventually sell contextual advertising, which will run appropriate content and therefore be valuable.

Where does the Quora make money from?

Until 2016, there are no revenues for the company, investors are funding the company had invested money in the Quora.

Blogging platform

Quora started their own blogging platform in 2013 where Quora users can write content and host the content for free similar to Blogger and WordPress. But Quora doesn't allow the users to monetize their blog for making money.

Copyright right law

The contributors who write the content on Quora are the owners of their content. When you write content on Quora, you are giving the permission to the Quora users to use your content, distribute, republish on the web by attributing Quora content owner. Quora content includes answers, questions, comments and Quora blogpost.

Publishing the content outside of the web, you need the explicit permission from the content owners.
